Senior Scholarships
The Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Scholarship program guidelines will be published and shared. They will be updated and reviewed annually by the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Board.
Metuchen High School Booster Club Scholarships will be awarded annually to eligible Senior Student Athlete’s or Managers. To be eligible for consideration, the Senior Student Athlete or Manager must have a parent/guardian member signed up by February 1st of the award year and plan to continue their education after high school graduation.
The total pool for scholarships will be based on the following formula. For every 10 Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club memberships above a standard 30 number, the scholarship pool will be funded with an additional $1,000. The minimum funding level will be $3,000, which is based off 30 memberships. The funding will be capped at $8,000 but can be expanded at the discretion of the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Board in accordance with their voting rules. A membership will be defined by the submitted registration of the family/guardians. One membership may have multiple student/athletes.
Scholarship Funding Levels
10-39 memberships will have a scholarship fund of $3,000
40-49 memberships will have a scholarship fund of $4,000
50-59 memberships will have a scholarship fund of $5,000
60-69 Memberships will have a scholarship fund of $6,000
70-79 memberships will have a scholarship fund of $7,000
80 memberships and above will have a scholarship fund of $8,000 unless the fund is expanded at the discretion of the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Board
The awards of the scholarship will be the following
Senior Student-Athletes/Managers will share a portion of the scholarship pool based on years of Metuchen High School Booster Club membership and a volunteer formula. Note: the maximum scholarship a student-athlete or manager can receive is 100%.
Membership Tenure Formula:
4 Years of Membership or Greater 80%
3 Years of Membership 60%
2 years of Membership 40%
1 year of Membership 20%
Volunteer Contribution Formula:
Committee Position: 5 volunteer percentage points per year
Event Volunteer: 2.5 volunteer percentage points per event up to 20% maximum. Note: Volunteer credits can only be applied to the Volunteer Contribution Formula. Volunteer percentage points cannot be used toward the Membership Tenure Formula. The Booster Club appreciates any families that go above and beyond the required volunteer requests.
A $25 additional annual “Too Many Hats” contribution totaling $50 (registration + contribution) will be worth 5 volunteer percentage points for every year the additional contribution is made. We appreciate contributions over this amount, but 5 volunteer percentage points is the maximum that can be earned through the “Too Many Hats” annual contribution.
Hardship and extraordinary conditions impacting a member’s ability to volunteer can be taking into account by the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Board to waive the percentage point requirements.
68 total memberships. 24 Seniors who are members of Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club and continuing their education.
Scholarship will be funded at $6,000.
24 seniors will split a scholarship pool of $6,000 for a possible award of $250. Each senior will only receive the percentage of that award they are eligible to receive. The balance will be returned to the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club.
Four year member (80%), that volunteered at 8 events (20%) over 4 years - $250
Four year member (80%), that volunteered at 4 events (10%) over 4 years - $225
Four year member (80%), that volunteered at 0 events (0%) over 4 years - $200
Two year member (40%) that volunteered at 4 events (10%) over 4 years - $125
Note (points credited for initial year(s) of process):
This program is being instituted in 2022. Certain allowances or reductions in requirements in full or part may be made for student-athletes graduating in the 2023 through 2026 classes
Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Scholarship
The Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Scholarship program guidelines will be published and shared. They will be updated and reviewed annually by the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Board.
The Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club will sponsor two scholarships to be awarded at the Metuchen High School Senior Awards Ceremony. The Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Scholarship will be awarded to one student-athlete or manager participating on a male sports team or teams, and one student-athlete or manager participating on a female sports team. Athletic success and participation are not the sole determination for this award. The student-athletes or managers selected will have demonstrated success on the field, in the classroom and in the community. The target funding for each of these scholarships is $250 each.
This award is subject to the same eligibility requirements as the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Scholarship. Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Scholarship applicants must be members of the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club as of February 1st of the award year. The applicant must also be a graduating Senior student-athlete or manager who is planning to continue their education post-graduation.
To be eligible for consideration, the Senior student-athlete or manager must complete the application form provided by Metuchen High School Guidance. You can access the form here and follow the instructions for completion and submission.
Additional information required with the submission:
Is your family currently a member of the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club?
Briefly describe what participating in athletics at Metuchen High School has meant to you. (300 words or less)
Selection of the recipients will be done by a panel which will include the Metuchen High School Athletic Director and at least one designee made by the Athletic Director and members of the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Scholarship Committee. All applications will be shared with the panel members. The scoring will be done with a blind ranked voting system and tabulated by the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Scholarship Committee. The final results will be reviewed with and approved by the Metuchen High School Principal. All voting is confidential. Once approved, the individual votes will be destroyed. Any Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Scholarship Committee member who has a child being considered, must be recused from the process and not made aware of the results until the award is determined.
The submission for the Scholarship Packet will appear as follows:
Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club Scholarship 2-$250 Scholarships
This scholarship is available to students of the Metuchen High School Class of 2023 who participated in any of the school’s sports programs and are members of the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club. Students must intend to continue their education post-graduation. One award will be presented to a student-athlete or manager participating on a male sports team or teams and one award will be presented to a student-athlete or manager participating on a female sports team or teams. Athletic success and participation are not the sole determination for this award. The student-athletes or managers selected will have demonstrated success on the field, in the classroom and in the community.
With your application, please include the following information:
Is your family currently a member of the Metuchen High School Bulldog Booster Club?
Briefly describe what participating in athletics at Metuchen High School has meant to you. (300 words or less)